Film Evaluations

Notes: All tests metered for Zone V with a Pentax Spotmeter V.

Ilford FP4 plus 125


Easily my favorite film, FP4 plus shows very fine grain, good contrast, and a lot of latitude. It also pushes well up to at least ISO 500.

Push/Pull: +2

Review here.


Developer: Adox XT-3
Dilution: 1+1
Temperature: 20º
Time: 14'30"
Agitation: intermittent
Notes: Sent through the carry-on X-ray machine at LIS airport.

Digital Characteristic Chart

Test Targets

AgfaPhoto APX400


I am reasonably sure that given my development technique, I can easily rate this film at ISO 800 without additional development time. Full review: part 1, part 2.

Push/Pull: 0


Developer: Adox XT-3
Dilution: 1+1
Temperature: 20º
Time: 12'
Agitation: intermittent

Digital Characteristic Chart

Test Targets