Stations: Tokyo


Stations: Tokyo
Late Night Empty Station

The Tokyo transit system needs no introduction—it’s among the world’s largest and most complex. But its stations are functional, bare, devoid of grandeur or even decoration. Each corridor is an unadorned, square concrete tube, with little to differentiate it from any other corridor in any other station. It is painfully easy to get lost.

Tokyo Rush
Looking for the Homeliner

There are exceptions. One exception that remains standing, really. Tokyo Station dates to the very beginnings of rail in Japan, and was built in imitation of European stations of the time. I’ve heard it was inspired by Amsterdam Centraal, but I find the resemblance merely passing.

Epic Selfie

The real stars of Tokyo’s transit system are the trains themselves. Always colorful (so you know which is yours), and often whimsical (to attract riders amidst fierce competition), you can always tell a Japanese train.

The Dude Abides
Have Starbucks Will Travel
Narrow Passage
Packed House
Ready to Travel
Springtime on the Yamanote Line
Passing Keikyu Express
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Body: Fujifilm X-Pro3 & Panasonic LX100
Lens: Fujinon XF8-16mm F2.8 WR

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